USP Wireless Wifi Broadband Internet Connectivity, Local Loop Solution
USP Offload Solution
- The MNO can allow to switch e.g. 90 % of especially data traffic with a seamless, but forced handover into the new network, based on the policy defined for the little application, which will be pushed onto the smart phone.
- Subscribers can also decide on an individually basis to switch their data traffic into the network.
- The solution offers a radio to fibre migration strategy together with the network topology. Fiber roll-outs go hand in hand with actual bandwidth demand.
- The migration strategy and the use of rugged components from the consumer market makes an economical feasible Local Loop Access Network Service Provider possible. The equipment cost basis is about 5 to 10 times cheaper then comparable Fiber equipment and at least 2 times cheaper than 4G and 5G technology.
- The 2G, 3G, 4G or 5G Offload model allows to offer easily services for iphone, smart phone, laptop and PC users for stationary usage or slow mobility 30 miles/per hour.
- The whole sales and open access platform model offers a profitable model which reaches quickly the break even.
- MNO’s can avoid the roll-out of 3G, 4G and 5G small cells and simply beef up their network with additional data bandwidth capacity.
- ISP can avoid a fibre roll-out and simply use the capacity offered by the solution.
- Usage of cost efficient frequencies and therefore enough frequency resources for future extensions.
- Rural areas can be covered easily with special antennas The solution helps to provide more value for money, since it has a lower equipment cost basis and can provide more bandwidth capacity than other solutions.
- The solution offers an easy and inexpensive bandwidth capacity upgrade for 2G, 3G-UMTS, 4G -LTE or 5G radio networks for highly populated suburbs and city centres of small towns (optimum 5000 citizens per sqkm).
- The inherent Radio –Fiber migration strategy makes it possible to grow the core bandwidth slowly and to always provide the necessary bandwidth capacity. A fibre roll.